2 min read
What is Human-AI Collaboration and Why Should You Embrace It?
The internet can seem full of scary stories and science fiction, but what is Human-AI Collaboration really going to do to transform our lives in the near future?
2 min read
The internet can seem full of scary stories and science fiction, but what is Human-AI Collaboration really going to do to transform our lives in the near future?
2 min read
When we consider the role of artificial intelligence in life sciences, it already has a proven track record as an effective tool to support pharmaceutical research. However, companies are also moving fast to explore the transformational impact it...
3 min read
While machine learning has been around for decades, it has swiftly become a major buzzword in recent years. Following in the footsteps of 'digital transformation', many businesses are struggling to comprehend the intrinsic value of machine learning...
2 min read
Quantum computers have the potential to be exponentially faster than traditional computers, revolutionising the way we currently work. While we are still years away from general-purpose Quantum Computing, Bayesian Optimisation can help to stabilise...
2 min read
Even with low cost widely available cloud computing, it can take significant time and compute power to train machine learning models on large data sets. This is expensive and is often at odds with the net-zero carbon goals of many organisations...
3 min read
Black box optimisation in Machine Learning is a pretty common scenario. More often than not, the process or model we are trying to optimise does not have an algebraic model that can be solved analytically.