The Mind Foundry Blog

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3 min read

5 Ways to Manage AI Responsibly in Insurance

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning has already brought transformative opportunities across the rapidly evolving landscape of the insurance industry. As data generation has surged and competition intensified,...


5 min read

Explaining the Origins of AI

AI is everywhere. It has rapidly become an integral part of how we organise our lives, go about our jobs, and get from place to place. And yet, in our discussions with customers, we often encounter a wide range of misconceptions about what AI...


3 min read

Understanding Risk in Insurance: From Cognitive Decline to Large Loss

At the beginning of 2023, we announced the launch of the Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford, a joint venture between Mind Foundry and our partners Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance (ANDI) and Aioi Nissay Dowa Europe (AND-E). One of the projects the Lab has worked on is...

Academia to Industry Blog Title

9 min read

Academia to Industry: Going from Theory to Practice

Taking the leap from the world of academia to pursue a career within industry can be a daunting proposition. After years spent studying and gaining skills in a very focused area, going out into the world and applying that knowledge to a broad range...

Insurance Data Blog Title Image

6 min read

Insurance Data: The Challenge of Successful AI Adoption

It’s hardly a secret that data is the lifeblood of the insurance sector. Some experts predict there will be over 30 billion connected devices worldwide by 2025, and the resulting explosion of data, coupled with huge leaps forward in the capabilities...


6 min read

Humans vs AI: The Trust Paradox

Why do we expect more from machines than we do from each other? We lean on machines for so much, yet when it comes to judging their performance, we seem to have a double standard. A human can fail, time and time again, and still be forgiven. But...

How Machine Learning Models Fail Title Image

4 min read

How Machine Learning Models Fail

In our first blog in this four-part series, we discussed how Machine Learning (ML) models might be considered ‘trustworthy’, and we emphasised challenges in bias and fairness, the need for explainability & interpretability, and types of data drift....


6 min read

Insurance and Generative AI: Seeing Past the Headlines

Generative AI (GAI) has been firmly at the centre of discussion ever since it was popularised by the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. Although the insurance sector, with its focus on cost, has generally reacted with interest and excitement to the...

What makes a Machine Learning model ‘trustworthy’?

7 min read

What Makes a Machine Learning Model 'Trustworthy’?

Last year, Mind Foundry worked closely with Professor Brent Mittelstadt (of the Oxford Internet Institute) to get a deeper understanding of the law, policy, and standards in development surrounding machine learning. The output of this work was an...


6 min read

Generative AI: The Illusion of a Shortcut

Generative AI has exploded into the public eye, with the conversation focusing on the opportunities and risks it presents. However, in the Defence sector, there are specific challenges and problems that this technology is simply not suited to solve.


3 min read

Explaining AI Explainability

There’s been a lot of talk about the development of large language models (LLMs) recently, with the loudest voices split between those who think it poses a significant risk to humanity and those who believe it could be the crowning achievement of...


5 min read

All You Need to Know about the Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford

In February 2023, we announced the launch of the Aioi R&D Lab - Oxford, a joint venture between Mind Foundry and our partners Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance (ANDI) and Aioi Nissay Dowa Europe (AND-E). This is the first of its kind research lab, so...


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News, announcements, and blogs about AI in high-stakes applications.